OPEN CALL: Perspectives 2nd Annual Artists PRIDE

OPEN CALL: Perspectives 2nd Annual Artists PRIDE

OPEN CALL: Perspectives 2nd Annual Artists PRIDE

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Call for Art: March 21st-May 10, 2025
Call Ends: May 10, 2025 at

Calling All LGBTQIA+ Artists!

This exhibition is part of the 3rd annual PRIDE in Petersburg, IL. Perspectives Art Gallery is hosting its second PRIDE exhibit featuring artists who identify as LGBTQIA+. Artists are encouraged to submit work that is authentic to their voice. The work submitted can be any style you’d like to submit regardless of specific theme, or it can be specifically relevant to LGBTQIA+ interests, life, or activism. The intent of this exhibit is to lift up and promote artwork by LGBTQIA+ artists. 

Perspectives’ Second Annual PRIDE show is a safe place for LGBTQIA+ artists to be seen and appreciated for their art, and is a place for all community members to show their support for those artists.

There will be an opening reception on June 7th from 12-5pm. Light refreshments will be served. Artwork must remain on exhibit for the duration of the show ending June 28, 2025.

There will be a cash prize for First ($100), Second ($50) and Third ($25) will be awarded at the reception.

Jurors will choose the art to include in the show and select the winners for the show in person when the art is on display. Art will be judged by skill, creativity, innovation, presentation and professionalism.

The work submitted can be any style you’d like to submit regardless of specific theme, or it can be specifically relevant to LGBTQIA+ interests, life, or activism. Artists are encouraged to submit multiple pieces that reflect varying aspects of their artistic voice. Art does not have to be for sale but if it is for sale it must have a retail price listed. Your artist statement and description of your work is considered when selecting pieces for the show and awards.


Art must remain at the gallery for the duration of the show (June 7-June28, 2025)

Art must be from your own reference material
Must be 18 years of age or older
Identify at LGBTQIA+
2D & 3D medium accepts
Must be able to deliver and pick up art on the given dates

May 10th is the application Deadline.

$30 entry fee for the first three art pieces. $5 per additional submission. Must be original art from your own reference material.  Please note: You do not have to submit three pieces. If you only have one piece to submit, just use the other two submissions for the same piece of art. 


Application Deadline: May 10, 2025 – at midnight (Mountain Time)

Notification of Acceptance: May 12
Drop Off: May 18 & 19
Opening Reception: June 7
Show Dates: June 7-28
Art Pick Up: June 29 & 30

APPLICATION: For more information and to apply, please visit Café:

For more information or for questions, contact Perspectives Art Gallery at [email protected] or 217-361-7929.


Date And Time

March 22, 2025 @ 12:00 PM to
May 10, 2025 @ 11:59 PM

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